Our Yusto yeast
Our yeast
Manufacturing process
1 – Feedstock sourcing
Our super team chooses the best feedstocks to produce our Yusto: agricultural sugars and nutrients. We are using as many agricultural co-products as possible for our fermentation.
2 – Fermentation
Yusto and all the ingredients are put in big tanks called fermenters. As Yusto is a little sensitive to the cold, we heat the fermenters to make the magic happens: the fermentation. (We will not give you more details about the temperature or the duration of the fermentation, it is a well kept secret!)
3 – Drying
After a long and warm bath to make our yeast grow during fermentation, Yusto is dried to make its future utilization easier. This is how we obtain our super powder yeast, ready to enhance all your recipes!
4 – And that’s it !
A sustainable ingredient
A water and land-use efficient process
If we want to compare Yusto’s impact on our environment to other ingredients, the easiest way is to compare it to other sources of proteins, as Yusto contains mainly proteins. The need of water and land to produce 1kg of Yusto is much lower than traditional protein sources, especially beef and pork. Compared to others, Yusto is a sustainable source of proteins.
Sustainable and local feedstocks
In France where we produce Yusto, we have all the ingredient needed for Yusto fabrication! This is why Yusto is created with agricultural feedstocks sourced locally.
A natural fermentation
We could compare Yusto to cheese, bread, wine or even pickles (only good food if you have noticed…): they are all created by natural fermentation. In other words, we didn’t invent anything but we learned how to use and master what nature is offering to produce a super yeast!
A low carbon footprint
With local agricultural feedstocks, a low water utilization and land-use and a natural fermentation process, Yusto has a low carbon footprint. It produces less than 4kg CO2 eq / kg of product. Compared to other sources of proteins both animal and plant-based, Yusto is a real sustanaible ingredient!
However our journey is not over: we can still optimize our fermentation process to lower even more Yusto carbon footprint and create a source of proteins with a minimal impact on the environment.
The super team behind Yusto

Behind Yusto there is the super Arbiom team !
Our Yusto super yeast is resulting from our desire to nourish people sustainably and promote healthy diets with a minimal impact on the environment.
We are convinced that thanks to fermentation, we can create sustainable and tasty protein ingredients and make them available to all.